?> What it Takes to Build a Garden Pond Waterfall | Backyard Design Ideas

Pros and Cons of Garden Pond Waterfall

Waterfall in Garden Pond

Having a garden pond waterfall is like a dream comes true. Building it feels like operating the nature’s hands and creating a piece of it. It’s just fantastic. You can totally make it look like an inevitable part of the landscape that was always meant to be there. Surround it with a bunch or stones of different sizes and finishes, add natural water plants like lilies or reed mace and let some fish live in it and you’ll have a breathtaking landscape centerpiece. You may rest by it, listening to calm murmur of water and spending time in the open air. The look and sound of water will do its magic and take away your stress and worries. And finally, who wouldn’t like to have his own garden pond with waterfall?

However, building a garden pond with waterfall is quite complicated, time-consuming and labor intensive process, which requires professional knowledge and skills. First of all, it involves throughout planning and site examination, as you have to pick out a design and choose a spot wisely. You should locate your piece of landscape in the way that you can see it from different spots in the backyard and from the house. Then, you have to check the direction, in which the rainfall water drains. Also, it’s necessary to call your local utility services to see if there’re any utility lines buried under the sight you’ve chose, so that you don’t damage them while excavating.

Waterfall for Small Garden Pond

Then, you have to consider various garden pond waterfall designs, paying attention to the shape and size of the pond and the height of the waterfall. Specialists note that it’s better to prepare a bigger base (a hole and water reservoir) than you’d like your finished piece to be, as once you place stones, plant some flowers, bushes or other plants and release the fish into the water, your pond will look much smaller than expected.

9 Photos of the Pros and Cons of Garden Pond Waterfall

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